The Importance of Burping for Babies

Basically, belching in infants is normal and is nothing to worry about. Even belching is good for the baby to remove excess gas from the stomach. When we breathe, the air we breathe contains gases, such as nitrogen and oxygen. Likewise when eating or drinking, your mouth does not only include food and water, but also gas. Excess gas in the stomach will then rise into the esophagus and out of the mouth as belching. Burping Important for Babies Burping may be a simple condition for adults, but burping is an important thing to do in infants. When the baby drinks, air bubbles in the drink will enter and collect in the stomach. Making a baby burp will prevent the baby's stomach from feeling bloated. In addition, belching can also relieve babies who are experiencing colic and excess stomach acid. Babies who consume milk from a bottle need to burp more often than those who feed directly into the breast. This is because more air bubbles are found in bottled milk than if suckling fro...