Effective Mask To Protect From Pollution

The sight of people wearing anti-pollution masks at work or when riding public transportation may be familiar to you. The question is, is the mask really able to protect you from pollution? The main purpose of wearing a mask is to prevent you from getting sick, for example from pollution that can cause problems in your respiratory tract. Although not visible, there are so many harmful substances in the air. Shaped fine dust or smoke, and gas that is not visible. One place you can be exposed to hazardous substances is at work. You may be exposed to dangerous substances that can cause respiratory problems such as coughing, sneezing, chest pain, tightness, or even difficulty breathing. Masks can be protective against such harmful substances. Effective masks to dispel pollution are special masks that can filter out bacteria and viruses in the air so they don't get into the mouth and nose. Meanwhile, facial masks made of paper or cloth are ineffective, because bacterial particles can still penetrate the mask and enter the respiratory tract. According to an expert from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, wearing masks that do not fit the face cover at all will not provide protection to the body. Masks made specifically for breathing might function as protectors, but certainly not paper or cloth masks as worn by doctors when operating.

Effective Anti-Pollution Mask

A mask made specifically for breathing is called the N95 Respirator. This mask is different from ordinary face masks. Although both are designed to prevent the spread of germs (viruses and bacteria), the N95 is designed to fit the face and is equipped with a very efficient tool to filter out harmful particles in the air, even particles of small size. Conversely, ordinary face masks feel loose and do not stick to the face. To prevent yourself from being exposed to harmful substances in the air, you need an N95 breathing mask. There are a number of things you should pay attention to when using an N95 Respirator so that this mask can work effectively in protecting your health:
  • N95 is not designed for children or you who have hair on the face because N95 will not be able to cover the face completely, leaving a gap and can be entered by small particles.
  • People who have chronic respiratory problems, heart problems, or other medical conditions that make them difficult to breathe should first consult a doctor about using N95. You need more effort to breathe using the N95, which is why, it is better to ask how to use it expertly first.
  • To prevent transmission of bacteria or viruses, N95 should not be used interchangeably with others.
  • If your N95 is damaged, dirty, or makes it difficult to breathe, replace it immediately with a new one.
Be sure to always protect yourself from harmful substances in the air by using proper breathing masks or personal protective equipment. But what you also need to understand is the spread of disease germs, including viruses and bacteria, it often does not come from the air but the contaminated hands. You are still advised to wash your hands diligently to avoid the spread of germs.


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